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  1. How to Descale a Zip Hydrotap

    How to Descale a Zip Hydrotap

    Keep your team and workplace colleagues happy and keep your hot beverage machines working and in tip top condition. Equipment...
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  2. Why lemon water is good for you

    Why lemon water is good for you

    Good hydration is essential for better health and wellbeing. So when life gives you lemons add them to your chilled...
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  3. How to stay sugar-free

    How to stay sugar-free

    As we head towards the end of February we hope that going sugar free has delivered some encouraging health benefits...
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  4. How to change your water cooler filter

    It’s easy to look after a water cooler - they are very reliable and low maintenance and with regular filter...
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  5. Anyone for Tennis?

    Anyone for Tennis?

    Well summer has truly arrived and some say is here for a while longer! Now is a perfect time to...
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  6. Phew It's Warm Out There!

    Phew It's Warm Out There!

    As we enter a good stretch of lovely weather across most of the UK for the foreseeable remember to increase...
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  7. Boost Exam Performance!

    Boost Exam Performance!

    It's a well known fact that good hydration helps deliver a clearer mind and better concentration, most essential during revision...
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  8. Sugar Tax Helps Fight Obesity

    Sugar Tax Helps Fight Obesity

    There is a lot of talk about obesity and fighting the rising weight of Britons, particularity by celebrity chefs with...
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  9. News. Plastic Pact Packs Punch

    The UK Plastic Pact packs a punch! Its unified, hard hitting mission sets out to ban all single use plastic...
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  10. World's Greatest Marathon

    World's Greatest Marathon

    Run like the wind! Good luck to all those heading to London this Sunday's for the world's greatest Marathon. Whatever...
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