We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

Flexible, cost-effective range of Service plans

Our successful approach is based on providing free hydration help and advice, before and after you buy. And even if you didn’t buy from us.

Once installed it’s important to keep your cooler clean and the water tasting fresh. Regular sanitisation and changing the water purification filter ensures pristine water quality. We can help you do this, with our flexible and affordable cooler care plans. As with all our service plans we offer a free technical help desk for all our water coolers, drinking water fountains and undersink chillers.

Please call our sales team on 0800 731 1491 and we will give the best advice as to which care plan is for you and provide the latest deals and a no-obligation quotation.


Service Agreement Options for a Mains-fed Cooler:

POU Silver Service Agreement

Includes 2 x service visit for sanitisation & filter change per annum.


POU Gold Service Agreement

Includes 2 x service visit for sanitisation & filter change with one additional call out per annum.


Service Agreement Options for a  Bottle Cooler:

Bottle Fed Silver Service Agreement

Includes 4 x service visit for sanitisation per annum.


Bottle Fed Gold Service Agreement

Includes 4 x service visit for sanitisation with one additional call out per annum.


Service Agreement Options for Fountains & Under Sink Chiller:

Chiller Silver Service Agreement

Includes 2 x service visit for sanitisation & filter change per annum.


Chiller Gold Service Agreement

Includes 2 x service visit for sanitisation & filter change with one additional call out per annum.