We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

Environmental Policy

Company Environmental Policy

Concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of The WCD Group Ltd’s corporate business strategy. Our policy and guidelines have been written to communicate our values to staff and customers.

The WCD Group is committed to good environmental management practices and the prevention of pollution in connection with carrying out its own business operations.

The WCD Group shall endeavour to work closely with the relevant statutory bodies to meet all applicable legislation, regulations and contractual obligations and shall seek to make continuous improvements to reduce its impact on the environment.

This policy is publicised to all employees, ensuring that they are aware of their own responsibilities within it, and to interested parties.

  • To reduce wastage to a minimum and to recycle materials to the maximum.
  • To avoid pollution of air, land and water wherever possible.
  • To improve the working environment.
  • To support the local community in its environmental initiatives.
  • To liaise with suppliers and customers to facilitate the best possible environmental practices in the manufacturing and installation chain, and promote the recycling of materials.
  • To sustain and protect the environment.


Fred Cairns Palmer
Managing Director