We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

High quality chilled and filtered water

Providing chilled and filtered water on tap is so important for our health. Advice says our bodies need around 8 glasses a day for optimum performance and wellbeing.

Choose from our great range of plumbed in (mains-fed) water coolers or a bottled cooler or a drinking water fountain – all our hydration solutions deliver thirst quenching water at the touch of a button.

Once installed it’s important to keep your cooler clean and the water tasting fresh. Regular sanitisation and changing the water purification filter ensures pristine water quality. We do sell sanitisation products and kits so that you can do this yourself but if you are pressed for time or resources, we can help you do this with our flexible and affordable cooler service plans.

Great tasting chilled and filtered water on tap. Call our sales team on 0800 731 1491 to talk more about our best prices and engineer availability to clean your cooler.