Our love of coffee just keeps on growing! In the UK we drink 70 millions cups a day! According to recent research, a staggering three coffee shops open each day in the UK! The coffee shop industry pours a staggering £8.9 billion into the UK economy and it is forecast that the number of coffee shops will overtake pubs by 2030. 1,222 coffee shops opened in the last year alone, and now there are now 23,000 venues to enjoy a cup! KettleTaps installed at home and at work make coffee making fast and easy. Instant hot taps produce steaming hot water making fast work at break time. Water quality is so important when making a cuppa; the taps filter out chlorine and other substances that cause water to have an unpleasant odour or taste. This week we celebrate International Coffee Day so whether your favourite tipple is a flat white, espresso or latte let’s see if Britain’s favourite café past time is really good for you after all! The UK drinks approximately 70 million cups of coffee every day