Many firms are starting to look at refill hydration points as part of their sustainability strategies with the provision of environmentally-friendly bottle refill water solutions that provide chilled, filtered and even sparkling water to their teams and customers. Drinking water machines in corporates, offices, shopping malls, and retail spaces allow consumers to refill their own bottles for life to protect the planet and help reduce single-use plastic cup and bottle pollution. Staying hydrated helps with health and wellbeing which is so important in these challenging times. Help to reduce the consumption of fizzy drinks and switch the intake of fizzy pop to water for a healthier lifestyle.

Sustainable hydration

Sustainability is a key driver for our hydration business providing drinking water solutions that cut plastic pollution and encourage refill and reuse. We refer to this as the Attenborough Affect; following Sir David’s Blue Planet plastic awareness. With organisations such as and other anti-plastic bodies fast emerging, the growth in businesses and retailers considering investment in plumbed-in refill stations for their customers and the public, to refill reusable bottles with fresh water, is moving at pace. Over the years, the number of single-use water bottles being consumed in the UK has grown. It is estimated that an average of 35.8 million plastic bottles are used every day in the UK, but only 19.8 million are recycled each day. Also while many bottles are becoming 100% recyclable, the progress is nearly not fast enough. However, as consumption rises so does the environmental consequences of plastic pollution, we must take direct action to halt this growing problem. Plastic water bottles litter the environment, beaches, and seas, damaging marine life and ecosystems.

Bottle refill stations

Bottle refill stations have become one of the best solutions to cutting pointless plastic while keeping your team hydrated and healthier and performing at their best. There are many types of refill stations you can choose from including floor standing, wall-mounted countertop, plumbed in, boiling and chilled water from a cooler or dispenser or multi-function tap. Bottle refill stations are a vital step towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way of drinking, and a successful way to reduce carbon emissions and a company’s plastic footprint from the mass production and transportation of bottles around the world. Reducing plastic consumption is a responsibility we all share and there are many ways we can adopt a more sustainable way of life. The refill movement for sustainable hydration considers both the environment and business needs and by choosing to reuse we can all do our bit!