Now that spring and summer are on the way, lots of people, especially women are looking to shape up and get ready for the months ahead. One of the best ways to do this is to increase your water intake, not only can drinking plenty of water help to speed up weight loss; it also has a number of other benefits that can help you keep in tip top health! From assisting with optimal brain functioning to the elimination of harmful toxins from our bodies, there is a far wider range of water health benefits than you could ever imagine. Below are some of the top benefits water can bring to women: Water for Weight Loss and Post-Exercise Muscle Recovery While water in itself doesn't possess any miracle abilities, it has been used for many years by women who are on a quest for losing weight. This is because water has the ability to make one feel full while also containing zero calories. Research has shown that women who choose to drink water over calorie-laden beverages such as alcohol or soft drinks are able to lose weight far easier than those who don't. Women who exercise can also benefit from increasing their water intake, as this has been shown to reduce the signs of muscle fatigue such as cramping and stiffness. By drinking water before exercising, it can also prevent fatigue from setting in during exercise by replacing fluids lost through perspiration. Many gyms will have water coolers or water fountains; always make sure you top up your water bottle when training. Keeps the Skin and Body Looking Younger One of the main water health benefits is the fact that because it hydrates the body, it also prevents the early appearance of wrinkles and ageing. Women who do not drink enough pure water can often be seen looking a lot more aged than those who do. As unbelievable as it may sound, drinking enough water can also help prevent the body from retaining fluid, which is also something that a lot of women struggle with especially during their monthly cycles. Other ways to enjoy water can include herbal teas, these are becoming increasing popular amongst women and there is a wide choice available to flavour your water. Installing a hot water tap in your home can dispense steaming hot water on demand, giving you instant 200°F water right at your kitchen sink making the process of making tea quick and efficient for those who lead busy lives. Maintain Healthy Kidney and Bowel Functions

Because the kidneys are responsible for the elimination of toxins from the body, it is crucial to ensure that the body has enough water to perform this function. Water can also help with the prevention of kidney stones, as a lack of pure water has been known to contribute to them forming. It is also a known fact that by drinking the recommended six to eight glasses of water each day, you will be helping to prevent the onset of constipation and even ease the cramping that associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as the water is what helps move food and waste products through the digestive system.

There really are no limits to the amount of benefits water brings. By keeping your body sufficiently hydrated as often as possible, you will feel a lot more energetic and healthy overall. Here at Water Coolers Direct we have created a handy drink alarm app to let you know when and how much water you should be drinking throughout the day. You can download the app onto your desktop at work, on your computer at home or onto your iPhone.