As everyone knows England has been experiencing one of its hottest summers in years which is a welcomed change from usually damp weather! Unfortunately though the recent heat wave has led to some people suffering from heat related illnesses such as dehydration and heat exhaustion. With Level Three warnings in many areas, it has become especially important to maintain good hydration, especially when exercising. Importance of Drinking Water Drinking water when exercising is always important and that's even more the case when it is hot outside. Your body's natural way of cooling itself is by sweating; however, this causes you to lose valuable fluids that are vital to organ function. If you are not properly hydrated, you could easily become dizzy, weak, disoriented or even vomit. Should these signs go untreated; it could lead to serious medical problems. How Much to Drink When working out in the heat, you'll need to drink between 150ml and 300ml of water every 15 minutes or so. This is assuming that you are already well hydrated when you begin your workout. Since your body could continue to cool itself by sweating for some time after your workout, you may need to continue your hydration efforts for up to an hour afterwards. Listen to your body in order to know how much is enough after a workout. If you are still thirsty or your body feels warm, you will need to drink more water in order to cool off. How to Maintain Hydration Drinking water when exercising requires a bit of pre-planning if you are to be able to stay well hydrated. Before you begin, make sure to pack several bottles of cold water in a portable cooler that you can easily carry with you. If your workout includes cycling, hiking, or running, you may want to invest in a hydration system that you can carry on your back. That way, you will be able to take an adequate water supply with you and best of all; you will be able to drink hands-free. Flavoured vs. Regular Water While it can be tempting to drink flavoured water or energy drinks while you are exercising, experts do not recommend doing this. Many of these drinks contain colourings and flavourings, not to mention artificial sweeteners. As a result, if you are drinking water when exercising, make sure it is just pure water so that you will not end up being dehydrated. If you don't like the taste of plain water, you could try adding a few drops of lemon or orange juice. You don't have to be exercising in order for your body to require more water. If you are performing work outside, you'll need to increase your fluid intake as well. Making sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after physical activity will ensure your good health. At Water Coolers Direct we have created a handy drink alarm app which helps you monitor your water intake and can tell you exactly how much water you should be drinking. For full details please visit /drink-alarm/.