Switch to a Plumbed In Water Cooler or Instant Boiling Water Tap

For those of you who aren't already aware, the 9th-15th Feb 2015 marks Go Green Week, one week in the year when the whole world gets together in a practical way to raise awareness of the dangers that our planet faces and to discuss possible solutions to combat them effectively. So whether you are a student, a professional or even a retiree, why not step up to the plate this week and do what you can to help this cause. A few great green projects Here in the UK we are nothing if not innovative so with that in mind, here are a couple of the great ideas that will be put in place for Go Green Week 2015:
  • Recycle Your Stationery – Students will be distributing unwanted stationery for free to a loving home at their SU. Students can take along anything including files, pencils and pencil cases and make sure nothing goes to waste or ends up in a landfill.
  • Waste Less Energy – A waste audit with a difference! Some universities are taking part in this event where the hall of residence that wastes the smallest amount of energy will win a prize. You can join in by doing simple things such as turning off the light when you leave an empty room.  
  • Take a Bike – Join other cyclists and cycle to your work or school. Many places are also offering an incentive and offering free muffins or safety advice to anyone who joins in!
  • Switch the Lights Off – Join other businesses around the world who are opting to switch the lights off during meetings. It's the little things that make a big difference!
  • Green Mary Friday – The Queen Mary university of London are taking part in Green Mary Friday where members of the society will be collecting your Go Green Week pledges on Friday 13th and giving away free goodie bags! Why not pop down and make your pledges for a greener future.
All of these and many more fantastic ideas are going on throughout the week but you can make a start today in reducing your carbon footprint just by reading the rest of this article. Learn how your water consumption can make a real difference to our beautiful planet. When is water green water! We all know how important it is to drink the recommended amount of water in order to stay both fit and healthy, but how about taking a closer look at how to do this as effectively as possible, especially as far as Go Green Week is concerned? Well, how about starting by ditching those pricey bottles of water and looking at installing a mains fed water cooler instead? You see, by taking this route you will be helping the environment in many ways. By cutting the plastic bottles out of the equation, there will be no need for dealing with the difficult waste disposal issues and also the logistical nightmare that this particular trade relies on so heavily. Plumbed in water coolers are the way forward and that investment will soon be dwarfed by the savings that your household or office will be making. For example did you know that approximately 38 billion plastic water bottles end up in landfill every year and that for every 1 member of staff you could save 312 deliveries of water bottles over 3 years just by switching to a plumbed in water cooler? For hot drinks in the office or at home, ditch the kettle and invest in an instant boiling water tap. These kitchen must haves can truly help you be on your way to a greener future! For example, did you know, that an Aquatap instant boiling water tap can provide up to 30 cups of continuous boiling water, the equivalent to a kettle being boiled 5 times! Hot taps take away the need to re-boil the kettle, they ensure you do not overfill and as well as being greener, they improve overall efficiency – just think of all the time, energy and money you could save! Ready for action? So getting into the swing of things as far as Go Green Week is concerned is far easier than you might imagine. By giving expensive plastic drinking water bottles the swerve and switching to hot tap you will be making a contribution to the whole ‘Green' ethos that lasts far longer than just 7 days! Take a look at our range of mains fed water coolers and instant boiling water tap products and start looking after the planet every time you rehydrate!