A common question people ask is “how much water should we drink?” The answer to that will depend on a person's age, gender and activity level. Staying adequately hydrated is important as there are water health benefits that can only be realised when the body has an adequate supply of fluid in it. Adult Requirements In answering the question of “how much water should we drink?”, the Natural Hydration Council has set forth different guidelines for men and women to follow. This group recommends men drink 2.5 litres of water per day, and that women consume 2.0 litres in the same time period. Water intake can come from foods that have a high water content such as melon, celery or peaches in addition to drinking this fluid. To enjoy the most water health benefits, between 70% and 80% of all fluid intake should come from drinking, with the rest being via food consumption. Requirements for Children With regards to how much water children should drink, the answer will depend on activity, age, gender and weather. In general, children are advised to drink between six and eight glasses of water each day; however, the size of the glass should be larger for older children than it is for younger ones. Older children should drink between 250 and 300 ml of water in each serving, while younger ones need only 150 ml in each one. Boys and girls require about the same fluid intake until around age 9, at which time boys will begin requiring slightly more than girls will. At around age 14, teens require the same amount of water as adults. Requirements During Inclement Weather Water health benefits are especially noticeable during summer, as dehydration due to extreme heat can cause muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and even strokes. During warmer weather, the question of “how much water should we drink?” can be difficult to answer. This will largely depend on the activities being performed, time of day, and humidity levels among other things. A good rule of thumb for people to consider is to drink one litre of additional fluid every few hours when exercising outdoors or performing strenuous activity. More could be needed if symptoms of heat injury are present. Other Factors It is recommended to stay hydrated individuals should avoid drinking large quantities of alcohol or caffeinated beverages. That's because these drinks act as diuretics, which means they cause an increase in urination. As a result, the body will lose fluids faster, and can therefore become dehydrated more easily. Those who consume these drinks should plan to drink at least two to three additional glasses of water each day in order to compensate for this. The question of “how much water should we drink?” is an important one, since most of the body's functions depend on adequate levels of hydration. Staying well hydrated is the only way to ensure that water health benefits can be enjoyed to the fullest. To stay on top of your hydration download our free drink alarm app! drink alarm app