If you've been listening to the Radio Two breakfast show this week, you will probably have heard Chris Evans talking about his water intake and raising a few interesting questions; including “How long the human body stays hydrated” and “Are we more like a camel or a sponge?” To help Chris answer some of his questions, Tuesday's mystery guest was Dr Emma Derbyshire from the Natural Hydration Council, who gave some great tips on how you can stay hydrated throughout the day. You can listen again at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01q8p8s about 2hr 14mins in to the show. Dr Emma Derbyshire discusses some interesting healthy hydration facts and answered some of the Radio 2 Team's watery questions. To address the most pressing question “are we more like a camel or a sponge?” Dr Derbyshire explains: “Think less camel, more sponge. Your body literally just absorbs what it needs and excretes out the rest. So you're more like a sponge than a camel.” If you were to hydrate well in the week but not so much on the weekend how does this affect the body? “The body will have a lower level of water” “The body is like a sponge so if it is already full it can't soak-up anymore and will excrete out the excess, but if your ‘sponge' is quite dry your body will take-up more water” The human body is made up of about 60% water, so to stay hydrated it is recommended to drink water regularly throughout the day; with men recommended to consume 2.5 litres and women 2 litres, this should include 20-30% being made up from watery foods like yoghurt or melon. Our recommendation to help you stay hydrated is the Drink Alarm App, which simply tells you how much you should be drinking throughout the day and sends prompts to your iPhone or PC over a set period to remind you to have a drink. Search ‘wcd drink alarm' in iTunes or visit For more healthy hydration related information visit the Natural Hydration Council website.