Wake-up for the week ahead... water, exercise and peppermint tea.

1. Water is essential for every biochemical reaction in your body. We all wake up dehydrated and chances are your mid-afternoon slump is due to a lack of water; mental and physical energy plummet when you're even mildly dehydrated. Keep a bottle of water at your desk or with you in the day, it is especially important to ensure you are hydrated in the day if you are going to exercise in the evening

2. Exercise increases your blood pressure and heart rate, and activates the whole sympathetic nervous system. The production of endorphins will increase your feeling of well-being. According to research the most effective form of exercise is outdoors, exposing you to fresh air and energy-boosting sunlight. All exercise is beneficial from a low intensity walk to running; the NHS recommends that an adult does a minimum of 30mins of exercise 3-4 times per week

3. Peppermint Tea; numerous studies have shown that people are stronger, faster, and more attentive after exposure to peppermint. Even the fragrance of peppermint is thought to boost alertness, so why not try a peppermint shower gel or shampoo Of course there are other essential factors that help your well-being, including having a balanced breakfast, and providing your body with the right nutrition; plus avoiding negative factors such as lack of sleep and alcohol consumption. The above are 3 simple lifestyle changes that have been proven to aid your health and energy levels.

Info sourced from: <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27704531/ns/health-behavior/t/wake-up-call-sleep-deprived/
